Division 1 rules below, NAPTA Antique Tractor Rules (http://natpa.club/rules/) apply to all other divisions

Tractors 1959 years old or older

Division Classes: I (Farm Stock) - II - II (Top Cut) - III

Weight Class 2,500-10,000 in 500lb. increments


  • $30 registration fee for non-club members includes:

    • GPAT, EDGE & TA Membership

    • Liability Insurance

    • First hook up for free ($10 value)

    • $10 per hook up for current EDGE & TA members from other clubs. You will be asked for proof of membership.


Division I is designed for beginning pullers and show tractors and is used to promote stock pulling.

Entry: A Division I tractor may also pull in Division II if the tractor meets the rules for Division II. Division II tractors cannot drop to Division I.

Tire Rules: No cut tires. No Duels. No steel wheels. Radial tires will pull in the exhibition division.

Speed Limit: 3.5 MPH. Not allowed to shift torque or gear.

Weights: Manufactured original factory weights for that make and model are allowed. Weights of bolt on type to either the front or the back wheels are allowed. Weights can be made. The wheel weights must be round and made of metal, cast or aluminum materials and be as near appearing to original manufactured weights as possible. No concrete weights allowed. Moveable suitcase weights can be used in front of the rear axles and or behind the front axle of the tractor.

Engine: Stock block, naturally aspirated. Exceptions: Oliver 99 GM, etc. stock head, manifold, and carburetor (by part number). Manifolds are to be replacement manufactured parts accepted for that make and model tractor. Stock RPM. Engine parts not in parts book or replacement parts book for that specific tractor cannot be used. Exceptions: Distributors can be used on antique tractors. A factory coil must be used. No electronic ignitions, square coils, MSD coils or chrome coils allowed.

Hitches: Maximum 18” height (stationary in all directions) locked at 18” on tractors such as IH fast hitch, Ford 3-point hitch, etc. hitches must be as from factory-unaltered for that specific tractor. Operator must furnish a straight up and down clevis with a minimum opening of 3.25” bolted or pinned tightly with spacers to the draw bar. Hitch measured at hook point of clevis. Farmall H’s and M’s must pull from an original drawbar hooked to the original belly hook point. Drawbar must be 18 inches minimum from center of axle to hitch point.

Safety/Driver: Drivers must be 10 years of age or older. Those under 18 years of age must have written parental/guardian permission. Pullers between 10 to 14 years of age (unexperienced driver) may have one parental/guardian on the track for safety reasons only.

Appearance: Tractors must maintain original stock appearance. If a part is not found in the manufacturer’s parts book it cannot be used. No extra accessories allowed. No aluminum or chrome allowed except for exhaust pipes. All guards, shrouds, covers and shields shall be in place as from factory and be made of original material (steel or iron) and as near like factory as possible. Seat must be an original seat or a manufactured seat made for a farm tractor placed with stock mountings (such as TSC). Homemade side – shields will not be allowed. Exception: factory side shields such as Oliver’s. Alternators and straight pipes are allowed.

Rules & Info